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Bavaria Champions 23

This is the Women's Team

After four years of playing cricket, we finally clinched the Bavaria Champions title 2023!
Now, we're gearing up all over again for the 2025 season.

Our team is mostly made up of newcomers who are super passionate about this second most popular sport in the world, alongside a few seasoned players.

These are our Coaches

Head Coach Esmarie Fournet-Fayat [Bio] with her supporting coaching staff Daao Buchmuller.

Join us: by attending the Tryouts

With us, everyone has the opportunity to try out cricket and become part of the team. It doesn’t matter whether you're "overweight" or "skinny",

"fast" or "slow", "athletic" or "not yet": simply give it a try and participate in a tryout session.
No equipment is required.

This is how the tryouts will work

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